GLH-2025 Admission Tickets
$8 Advance, $10 (Cash Only) At the Show
One Admission Ticket is required for each person to attend and/or to participate in all inside and outside events at Greater Louisville Hamfest 2025 on Saturday, September 6, 2025 from 8am until 2pm. Each ticket is good for the Door Prize and Major Prize drawings. Ticket price at the hamfest is $10 (cash only) on Friday and Saturday.
Extra Prize Tickets
Reduced Price: $1 each
Each Extra Prize Ticket is good for all Door Prize and Major Prize drawings for the current year and for future hamfests.
Extra Prize Tickets are not good for admission to the hamfest.
The GLH Store is now closed.
Tickets can be purchased
at the Hamfest.
Tickets & Prize Drawings
To be eligible for prize drawings, each ticket stub must be placed in the Hamfest Prize Booth Ticket Drum. You must be present to win Door Prizes, but need not be present to win Major Prizes.
Proof of ticket stub is required to receive prizes. Major Prize drawings will be held at 1:00pm on the day of the event. Major Prize winners not present will be contacted by the information on the ticket stub. If the ticket stub cannot be read or if the proper information not provided, a notice of the winning number will be emailed via the Louisville Hamfest News Email List and will be posted on this website and our Facebook page. If the prize is not claimed within 30 days, the prize will be forfeited and will become the property of the Greater Louisville Hamfest Association.
Major Prize winners agree to allow GLHA to use their name, callsign, city, state, and likeness on our website and/or in advertising. All ticket sales are final. All prizes are subject to change based on availability and may be substituted for a prize similar in value without notice.
Admission Tickets and Extra Prize Tickets from previous years are still eligible for all prize drawings, if owner has both parts of the ticket. Admission Tickets from previous years are not good for admission to the current hamfest.
Free Admission For Scouts & Up to 2 Parents/Guardians
Free Complementary Scout Admission Tickets for Scouts and Scouters (leaders) can be picked up at the Inside Ticket Booth. Additionally, up to two parents/guardians with each Scout will receive a Complementary Scout Parent/Guardian Ticket so they can browse the hamfest, events and use the concession stand while the Scouts are in the Radio Merit Badge Class. Please note these complementary tickets are not eligible for prize drawings.
Those wishing to be in the prize drawings may purchase an Extra Prize Ticket separately, for only $1 each.