8am-2pm Saturday, September 6
Paroquet Springs Conference Centre
Whatever the Weather, We'll Hamfest Together
Tickets $8 Advance, $10 (cash only) Fri & Sat at the Hamfest
Scouts and Scout Leaders in uniform & under 13 Free
Talk-In: 146.700 MHz (CTCSS 79.7 Hz)
Volunteers Wanted
The Greater Louisville Hamfest Association is looking for enthusiastic men and women, who hold an amateur radio operator's license and are interested in organizing, promoting and working at Greater Louisville Hamfest 2025.
Volunteers must be able to attend 30 minute hamfest planning meetings via Zoom, on the third Tuesday of each month, from February through September.
Volunteers must also be able to attend and assist at Greater Louisville Hamfest 2025 on Saturday, September 6 from 6am until 3pm at Paroquet Springs Conference Centre in Shepherdsville, KY. Duties at the hamfest may include facility setup and take-down, assisting guests, selling tickets, checking for tickets or working at the prize booth. No heavy lifting is required and most duties can be performed either sitting or standing.
If interested in being a GLHA volunteer, please send an email to volunteers@louisvillehamfest.com.
Planning for GLH-2025 Begins on February 18
Planning for Greater Louisville Hamfest 2025 will begin with a Zoom meeting at 6:30pm on Tuesday, February 18. We are looking forward to sponsoring this year's hamfest on September 6, 2025 from 8am to 2pm at Paroquet Springs Conference Center. Mark your calendar for Kentuckiana's largest Amateur Radio event.
All prices for tickets and spaces will be the same as last year - except for Extra Prize Tickets, which will be reduced 50% from last year's price, down to just $1 each.
Keep watching here, on our Facebook page and on the Email List for more details as we plan for GLH-2025.
- Bob Myers K4RVM (GLHA Chairman)